

November 16, 2021

Maybe my sentimental heart is in full overdrive as we approach the most wonderful time of the year, but I am just plain…. GRATEFUL, THANKFUL and BLESSED!

It’s so easy to get caught up in the busy hysteria of the holidays, but my hope for you is that you find time to truly enjoy the things life gives you to make you happy.

GRATEFUL: the feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; to be thankful.

How do you remember to be grateful daily? Do you keep a gratitude journal? My kids and I made a poster and entitled it…. “I am THANKFUL for….” and hung it on the wall (it hung there for more than a year!). Our whole family wrote things on the poster that we were grateful for. The white paper was soon crammed with words and even little colorful doodles of things we love. It hung by the garage door and it warmed my heart to visually see all the things that make my family’s hearts smile. I have since taken it down, but I can’t bring myself to get rid of that special memory.

THANKFUL: pleased and relieved; expressing gratitude and relief.

Cultivate a space of thankfulness in your home. Do you have a nice cozy reading nook or a special place to snuggle with your kids and hear their innermost thoughts for the day? If not, now is a great time to consider creating that zone. A comfy chair by the fire is the perfect spot to settle with your journal and physically write down all the things you are thankful for. I love to ask my kids questions about their day where it is simply impossible for them to only answer yes or no. What made you smile today? What was the best thing about your day? Getting your kids to open up and think about the good things in their day can help them to focus on the positive and remember to be thankful.

BLESSED: to confer prosperity or happiness upon.

Often times we think about how we are blessed, but have you considered if you have blessed others? Blessing others is a sure way to bring a peace about yourself that you can’t get in any other fashion. This season as we focus on holiday gatherings and family fun, share that joy with those outside of your inner circle. Create a blessings box and gift it to a person in need. Have your kids rake the elderly neighbors leaves. Write a note to your kid’s teachers letting them know that you are truly blessed knowing they are in good hands during the day. Tell your spouse how much you appreciate all they do for your family. The options are endless and the circle of blessings always comes back tenfold.

As we contemplate and reflect on how the past year has played out, what has brought a smile to your face? Don’t forget to be grateful, thankful and blessed by each thing that crosses your mind.

Stylishly yours,

The Chelsee Sowder Design Team

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