
Are you a NUMBERS person?

June 17, 2023

Interior design is not just paint and fabric samples. It’s not just hardwood and tile. There’s a lot of numbers involved. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT! There are so many mathematical ratios that apply to design that you could easily confuse yourself just trying to remember them. But funny enough, a lot of us, even non-design people, apply these mathematical bits naturally. Nature is a funny woman. She lays out her world in perfect order. And through the years, us mere humans have learned a thing or two.

Design is about proportion, scale, size and color. All of these elements have to combine together in harmony to be aesthetically pleasing. So let’s talk numbers.


This is called the Golden Ratio. It is defined as the most pleasing ratio for objects and their aesthetics. It occurs in nature, from body proportion to seashell formation, and is considered perfectly pleasing to the eye. In design, simply put, divide a room into two parts. The larger part is where furniture lives and the smaller portion is for the rooms alternative uses. Confused yet? Most designers do this innately within their mind without actually scientifically or mathematically graphing it out. It’s that secret design “eye”.


Let’s explain this rule in another way. The Golden Ratio is referred to as 60/30/10 Ratio. Easily explained with color choice:

• Design 60% of the room with a dominant color.

• Design 30% of the room with a secondary color.

• Use the remaining 10% for an accent color.

But 60/30/10, also applies outside of color. It can be applied to the introduction of pattern, room layout (see above in the 1:1.618 details), furniture sizing choices, accessory arrangement and more!

1/3 -1/3 - 1/3

The Rule of Thirds helps to group items in a room. It creates, flow, balance and unity. Items grouped in odd numbers is visually more pleasing, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have symmetry. Visualize a table with three stacked books and two lamps placed at either end. This creates symmetry with proper proportion to accessories.


The 70/30 split is to divide a space and use 70% as an anchor theme and the other 30% a different style. This makes for a visually interesting space. Your home should reflect your personality and this ratio allows you to add and mix all the things you love without overwhelming the space. It’s the blend of steel and stone or antiques with modern furniture or even modern farmhouse style with industrial or bold colors and pretty prints.


Yes, another rule of numbers. Holy moly! Basically, this rule states you should decorate 80% of a room with neutral colors and elements leaving 20% for you to get colorful! An easy example is a bedroom; 80% of the room would equal wall color and that leaves 20% of the room to be decorated with colorful bedding and upholstery.


And one last numerical rule, the 2/3 rule. Your largest piece of furniture - like the sofa - should be 2:3 of the area. Then work your way backwards on the other pieces. Therefore, the coffee table should be 2:3 the size of the sofa and so on.

Are you thoroughly confused? I know I am! You know what? You can apply all the mathematical rules in the world, but if your space doesn’t feel right, its not right! Let us help you find the right equation to make your space feel like you!

Stylishly yours,

The Chelsee Sowder Design Team

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